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Acne in Your 20s? What you Can Do if Your Still Dealing with Blemishes

By February 23, 2016No Comments

When you look in the mirror, are you frustrated to find blemishes and pimples on your face even though you’re well into your 20s? You may have thought your days of dealing with acne were over with after your teenage years; yet the fact remains that many adults continue to suffer from acne long after puberty. By understanding what causes adult acne and what steps you can take to treat it, you can work your way towards clearer, more beautiful skin.

What Causes Acne in Adults?

There are a number of reasons why you may suffer from acne as an adult. One of the most common causes, especially in women, is that of hormonal changes. For instance, women who have recently started or stopped taking a hormonal birth control medication may be more prone to acne as their bodies adjust to the new hormone levels. On the other hand, women going through menopause may also be prone to acne for the same reasons.

In addition to hormonal fluctuations, it’s also believed that stress can cause acne in both male and female adults. Scientists believe this may be because when a person is stressed, the skin tends to produce more oils. As a result, the pores can become more easily clogged, thus leading to acne breakouts.

How to Treat Adult Acne

Fortunately, if you suffer from adult acne, there are some steps you can take to help control it. First and foremost, consider starting at the source. If you know your acne is brought on by stress, consider taking steps to reduce your stress levels. This could include anything from taking up yoga or meditation to removing yourself from stressful situations in your life.

You should also be using a daily cleanser specifically formulated for battling acne. Be sure to stick with a gentle cleanser, however, or you run the risk of drying out your skin. There are also daily moisturizers and topical creams that you can buy or that a dermatologist can prescribe to you, depending on the severity of your acne.

Consider MedSpa Services

There are a number of medspa services that you may also want to consider when it comes to treating your adult acne. Facial micropeels, for example, are great for unclogging pores and leaving skin feeling fresh and clean while also exfoliating. You may also want to look into a laser acne treatment, which is great for those who don’t want to rely on regular antibiotics or who may have negative side effects when using antibiotics/topical creams. Laser acne treatments are noninvasive, and results can often times be seen after just one treatment.

Living with acne as an adult can certainly be frustrating, but the good news is that there are many steps you can take to fight it. By targeting your acne at the source and utilizing the right treatment options for your needs you can once again enjoy clear, healthy, and downright radiant skin.

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